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Outsider Newsletter - Subscribe now for 10% off your next online order!

Once you enter your email and click on subscribe, check your inbox for an email from us with a link to confirm your subscription. There is a discount code in the email that will be active once you confirm your subscription.

Customer Rewards Program

Earn rewards when you shop with us! 

With Cairn Coffee Roasters loyalty and rewards program, when you buy our beans you collect Reward Beans which you can trade in for some great savings!

Rewards You Can Earn

As you collect Beans, you'll become eligible to redeem them for rewards. Here are some of the rewards you can earn.
Reward Beans Needed
$5 Off Coupon 500 Beans
$10 Off Coupon 1,000 Beans
$20 Off Coupon 3,000 Beans

Ways you can earn Beans

Activity Beans Awarded
Signup 50 Beans
Order 5 Beans / $1 Spent
Anniversary (with us :)) 50 Beans
Birthday 50 Beans
Referral 50 Beans

How to Get Started

Click the coffee cup icon in the lower left corner of the screen, create a user account, browse our coffee and place an order! You can check your balance at any time by clicking the coffee cup icon in the lower left corner of the screen.
Beans will continue to accumulate with each purchase you make, however they will expire after six months of inactivity.
You must supply an email address during checkout to be eligible for reward beans.

How do I redeem my reward beans?

Log in to your account by selecting the "LOG IN" link at the top right of the web page. If you are using a mobile device you may have to select the menu icon to see the "LOG IN" option.

Once logged in click on the coffee cup icon at the lower left of the web page display. You will see a summary of the total beans you have accumulated.

Select the "Redeem Beans" link, then select the "Get Rewards" link. Once you confirm with "Yes" you will be auto directed to the "Discount Codes" display. Click the "Copy to Clipboard" link and then begin shopping. You can paste the discount code during checkout and receive your discount.